Professional Line CD-R 700MB|80min 52x speed, inkjet fullsurface printable, silver, wide sputtered, diamond dye, Cake 100
      Professional Line CD-R 700MB|80min 52x speed, inkjet fullsurface printable, silver, wide sputtered, diamond dye, Cake 100
      Professional Line CD-R 700MB|80min 52x speed, inkjet fullsurface printable, silver, wide sputtered, diamond dye, Cake 100
      Professional Line CD-R 700MB|80min 52x speed, inkjet fullsurface printable, silver, wide sputtered, diamond dye, Cake 100

      Professional Line CD-R 700MB|80min 52x speed, inkjet fullsurface printable, silver, wide sputtered, diamond dye, Cake 100

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      26,35 €
      Com IVA
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      Compra agora! apenas 6 em stock
      • Política de segurança - Política de segurança - Satisfeito ou o seu dinheiro de volta
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      • Política de devolução - Política de devolução - 14 Dias Devolução / 2 Anos Garantia

      MediaRange Professional Line CD-R media provide maximum reliability and are designed to meet the high demands of professional duplication. The excellent recording stability allows your data to be professionally duplicated in just a few minutes with write speeds of up to 52x.  Their superb compatibility with burners, printers and robotic systems also ensures smooth production. Our entire range of storage media is known for its long archival life and excellent UV light resistance. With a printing area of 23 - 118mm these discs are perfect for professional inkjet printing. The completely metalized underside of the disc allows for a top-quality image. The silver writable side of the disc hides burn marks almost completely so they look just like pressed CDs.


      • MediaRange Professional Line media
      • Capacity: 700MB
      • Format: CD-R
      • Speed: up to 52x
      • Packaging: cake box 100
      • Surface: silver, full-surface printable
      • Surface type: for inkjet printers
      • Printing area: 23 - 118mm
      • Underside: fully metalized
      • Recordable layer: silver, diamond dye
      • Printable with appropriate inkjet printer
      • Professional and quick-drying surface
      • Long archival life
      • Excellent compatibility with burners and players
      • Excellent UV light resistance

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      Professional Line CD-R 700MB|80min 52x speed, inkjet fullsurface printable, silver, wide sputtered, diamond dye, Cake 100

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      Professional Line CD-R 700MB|80min 52x speed, inkjet fullsurface printable, silver, wide sputtered, diamond dye, Cake 100

      Professional Line CD-R 700MB|80min 52x speed, inkjet fullsurface printable, silver, wide sputtered, diamond dye, Cake 100

      26,35 €
      Com IVA
      Entrega em 24H se dia útil